Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gwen conquers Wallis Sands Half Marathon!

I am excited to write my inaugural post about my strong and fabulous sister Gwen.  Gwen, the Huzz, and I had originally signed up for a half marathon this weekend as a gauge of our training/ full marathon readiness.  We all signed up for our first full marathon this year -- Seattle Rock-n-Roll at the end of June 2011 (how quickly it is approaching!).  Unfortunately, the Huzz and I were officially on the DL for the half marathon today so it was left to Gwen to "represent". No pressure.

Here she is this morning, all fresh faced and nervous.  And of course, Gwen brought it.  It's been broughten.  Goooooo Gwen!  She finished around 1:54 (I have yet to get the official time) which is going to be close to a tie of her prior PR.  Gwen joined the full marathon train farther down the track so she basically caught up to her PR from 4? years ago in only 3 months.  I'm so proud : )

I, also, had a little victory today.  After 2 weeks exactly of putting training on hold while I nursed (and cried over) a calf strain, I was able to run a 10 min. mile today with no pain.  WOOHOO!  Can you tell I'm excited?  As this is my first marathon, this is also my first experience being injured while training.  I hate it. Perhaps I will someday learn patience; but this go-round, I only felt frustration and depression. 
I didn't push it past the mile because I did feel a little tingling and heat in the calf.  I went home, iced it, and celebrated in my small victory.

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