Monday, July 25, 2011

Next Half Marathon - Here We Go!

Just got back from a long swim workout at the gym in anticipation of...
Where's Karen?

And I got my official splits from Try the Tri last week:

Swim -  13:05
T1     -  03:50  (slowest transition of the night : (
Bike  -  39:02
T2     -  00:27  (fastest transition of the night! cause I didn't have to change shoes)
Run   -  21:28 

My next attempt will probably be next Wednesday.

So my 11 week training for the Smuttynose Half Marathon on October 2nd started last week.  This training plan is much more flexible than last time.  It also involves a lot of cross training.   The weekly "running" mileage in general will be lower but the long runs will still be long and I expect the cross training to help a lot... especially in avoiding injuries. 

Last week's tracking:

Looking at all those activities makes me happy.  I enjoyed every one of them, even the hard ones.  Yay for running on the road!  And yay for some off road variety!

And now... I must... zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I am a Triathlete Now!

Yes indeed. I did more than try the tri, I finished!!  No. 10 finished a tri!

More appropriate blog titles could possibly have been "I am barely a triathlete now" or "I am an incredibly slow triathlete now" but I had a talk with myself and I am going to be proud of simply finishing. 

I don't have my official times yet but I will post them when I get them.  Trust me, they won't wow you, I beat out an older man and was on track to beat the 10 year old kid but he passed me on the run.  Did I mention I beat someone?  That's right.  Not last.  No. 10 was not last!

(Unfortunately I was not No. 2... what blogging mischief that could have been!).

Many thanks to the Huzz who not only showed up to cheer but also rummaged through someone's bag and found a camera to take pictures with (ok, my bag).  He would not, however, embrace me immediately after I finished.  It's not like I was covered in a sweaty lake water/ BO mixture or anything. Hurumph : )
I get a little side hug here:
Sister Gwen stuck by me for the 400 yard swim as she promised... all approximately 17 mins. of it.  Pretty sad time and definitely where I need to focus my efforts.  It's safe to say only about half of it was actually freestyle swimming... the other half was breast stroke/ doggie paddling.  I hope I can look back on this someday and be able to say "look how far I've come".  I don't think my tri career will go very far if I can't improve my swimming.  The water was nice and refreshing though:

(My competition is right behind Gwen in the yellow cap... all stealth-like... but to no avail).

Then the super slow transition to biking gear followed by a 10 mile bike ride, which was twice around the lake.

I never caught my breath after the swim and there were only 1 or 2 downhills where I wasn't panting.  Since my total time was about 1 hr 17 mins., I was OUT OF BREATH for over an hour.  The difference between this experience and running for over an hour is that eventually the running becomes less of an aerobic challenge and more of a challenge to keep the leg muscles firing and moving.  During the whole Try the Tri, my body never seemed to catch up before I started a different exercise and shocked it all over again.

The 2 mile run was hard as expected.  I was able to average 10:15 min/miles though without too much pain.  I feel like the biking and running will improve naturally over time and with a little practice.

And finally, finito:

And my favorite picture of Gwen, who was very patient and encouraging during the swim:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Plans and Preparations

Plan #1: "Try the tri" tomorrow night... which is where I swim 400 yards, bike 10 miles, and run 2 miles.  Gwen is staying with me for the open water swim; remember! reach around under the arms from behind and float on your back gently kicking towards the shore or until help arrives.

Preparation for plan #1 has included lap swimming once to twice a week for about a month and a few bike rides (plus one bike/run brick).

I realize that I will most likely be the last person to finish "try the tri" but I am excited anyways.  And a little nervous.  Some readers of this blog who are also fans of swimming and biking were slightly offended by my last post in which I may have used the term "loath" to describe my feelings towards these two sports.  I would like to amend that statement here and say that I don't loath them; I see them as challenges and I expect that they will grow on me over time.  I'm just not good enough at them yet to call them fun or feel the accomplishment feeling.  In due time...  All good?  ok...

Plan #2: Yankee Homecoming Roadrace 5k on August 2nd... which is where I either melt into the pavement if this particular Tuesday night in August really heats up, or I possibly break 30 mins. for my 5k time. 

Preparation for plan #2 starts next week when the 8 week, Wednesday morning at 6:15 am, special track session for insomniacs gets going.  Nothing like speed work as the sun comes up!  Seriously though, it should be much much cooler.  I've been able to wring out my sports bra after all my runs lately.

Plan #3: The Biggie. Smuttynose Half Marathon on October 2nd... which is where I pretend I didn't cry at the end of the last half marathon and psych myself up for a PR... under 2:30!!  woot woot!!

Preparations for plan #3 include run AND don't get hurt.  KISS (yes, I used KISS)

I'm not sure where I'll go from there.  October should be a good running month but then comes snow.  The goal is to stay active over the winter and come back strong next spring.  Sprinkle in a couple local races as well.  I will have to find a big goal to focus on for early spring so I stay motivated.  It should also be a good chance for me to work on my swimming in the nice warm gym pool!   Just thinking of winter makes me sad though, so, enough of that.

And because blog without pics aren't as fun, I'll leave you with my last half marathon... lest I forget the pain too quickly:

And then the half marathon victors enjoy Seattle afterwards:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Adding Some Spice

For several reasons (including: sister Gwen influence,  new challenges, and attempting to avoid injury by cross-training), I have started swimming and biking lately.  Just dabbling!  Running, you are my true sport, but I need some time to see other sports for awhile.... on the side...

Of the swimming and biking, it's difficult to decide which I loath more. 
Swimming:  my best freestyle non-stop lap distance is 50 yards.  DO NOT LAUGH.  Perhaps I have genetically small lungs and heart. Perhaps I just need to keep practicing.  The whole correct breathing technique is new to me as of 2 months ago and is what is causing the problems.  I'm strong like horse, I just need more air. 
Biking:  this goes for spinning too... how am I more out of breath than on a jog?  And why does my crotch have to go numb?  I think biking, especially outdoors, has been ingrained in my head as a fun leisurely thing; but that's going to change quickly!

I took my new (used but loved) hybrid bike on an inaugural ride with sister Gwen and BIL Josh yesterday.
Mmmmm.... spandex......

Gwen and Josh (and their shmancy new bikes):

6.5 mile bike ride in 27 mins.  and then... BRICK... followed by a 1.64 run in 16:42.

Gwen and I show how crazy strong we are to be doing bricks:

The running was quite painful for me. 2 immediate sensations are felt on a run after a bike ride.
1: your legs feel like they are still going up and down, not forward, and 2: you feel like you are in slow motion yet somehow completely out of breath AND completely unable to make your up and down legs move forward any faster.

I like bricks though because I do love me my running.  More to come on my anticipated brick improvement! (positive thoughts!)

And then, the (sweat) deluge:

Friday, July 8, 2011

Harvard Pilgrim 10k Report

I loved the Harvard Pilgrim 10k.  The course was pretty, fun, and mostly flat.  I even saw a homeowner out in his front yard spraying down racers with a hose.
I found a happy pace and kept it for the most part (it crept up a tiny bit a couple times) until mile 5.  Then I tried to push it.  I brought my pace back down and the extra exertion made for some pretty hilarious facial expressions at the finish...
I look like a crazed maniac...

My total time was 1:08 and my garmin (as has been the trend with all my races lately) says I went a little bit farther than 6.2 for an average pace of 10:53 min/miles.  

I'm definitely running this one again.  Hopefully it will be an unusually cool 4th of July next year although I didn't really mind the heat too too much this year.  Speaking of hotness, the Huzz beat the heat by stripping at the end of the race... but managed to make sure his bib number was visible to all the cameras!  such a smart boy.
Wait a minute... are those sexy cheerleaders he just passed?  Was it reeeaaally necessary to take off that shirt? : )

And I'll leave you with my favorite pic (cause I'm not so not conceited as Gwen might think!). 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What's this? A new blog entry??

Return of the Mack
Once again Return of the Mack
Top of the world Return of the Mack
Watch my flow You know that I'll be back
Here I go

Let's let bygones be bygones....  and let me tell you all about my HALF MARATHON that I ran in Seattle on June 25th!

Yes, I had tentatively decided that I would not be running; but we all know that tentative means "if there is any possible way in the whole wide world that I can, I will".  After the last post on my feeling-good 8 miles, my calf said "no,no"... the swelling I had after an unfortunate PT session turned into a hard lump and delayed the healing of the original strain/knot.  Bygones, I digress.

With very little training the whole month leading up to the Half Marathon (I think my longest run was 5 miles) I decided that it may be painful (oh, it was) but I wanted to run it so badly and my body was feeling so good, that I would go for it.

As has happened in previous races, the Huzz started out with "legs of lead" and a not so cheery outlook.  Conversely, I was bursting to hit the road after waiting a whole HOUR for our corral to queue up at the starting line AFTER the gun.  I was excited and feeling fab. 

Fast forward...

The Huzz proceeded to kick butt and finish strong... encouraging me during my last 2 miles of run-limp, eyes closed, I think I hear someone talking to me, I may need medical attention when I finish, melt-down.  : )  It was almost that bad, ferrealz.

But, we finished!!   In 2:39 official time (my garmin says we went .2 extra miles for an average pace of 11:58 min/miles).  Yay!!!  This ties my last half marathon in 2005 and leaves the door wide open for a possible PR this fall. 

Also super exciting is that sister Gwen finished her first full Marathon!!!!  Quite the feat!  Unlike me, she had multiple offers for medical attention after crossing the finish line, but she turned them all down.  How unfair life is sometimes.

Ahh, running, how I love you (you too Huzz :)  Stay tuned for more blogging now that the Mack is back.  Sister Gwen, the Huzz, and I are running a 10k tomorrow morning cause Marathons aren't enough!
The Hours - Ali in the Jungle (my new song addiction and a cool video of the full marathon course).