Return of the Mack
Once again Return of the Mack
Top of the world Return of the Mack
Watch my flow You know that I'll be back
Here I go
Once again Return of the Mack
Top of the world Return of the Mack
Watch my flow You know that I'll be back
Here I go
Let's let bygones be bygones.... and let me tell you all about my HALF MARATHON that I ran in Seattle on June 25th!
Yes, I had tentatively decided that I would not be running; but we all know that tentative means "if there is any possible way in the whole wide world that I can, I will". After the last post on my feeling-good 8 miles, my calf said "no,no"... the swelling I had after an unfortunate PT session turned into a hard lump and delayed the healing of the original strain/knot. Bygones, I digress.
With very little training the whole month leading up to the Half Marathon (I think my longest run was 5 miles) I decided that it may be painful (oh, it was) but I wanted to run it so badly and my body was feeling so good, that I would go for it.
As has happened in previous races, the Huzz started out with "legs of lead" and a not so cheery outlook. Conversely, I was bursting to hit the road after waiting a whole HOUR for our corral to queue up at the starting line AFTER the gun. I was excited and feeling fab.
Fast forward...
The Huzz proceeded to kick butt and finish strong... encouraging me during my last 2 miles of run-limp, eyes closed, I think I hear someone talking to me, I may need medical attention when I finish, melt-down. : ) It was almost that bad, ferrealz.
But, we finished!! In 2:39 official time (my garmin says we went .2 extra miles for an average pace of 11:58 min/miles). Yay!!! This ties my last half marathon in 2005 and leaves the door wide open for a possible PR this fall.
Also super exciting is that sister Gwen finished her first full Marathon!!!! Quite the feat! Unlike me, she had multiple offers for medical attention after crossing the finish line, but she turned them all down. How unfair life is sometimes.
Ahh, running, how I love you (you too Huzz :) Stay tuned for more blogging now that the Mack is back. Sister Gwen, the Huzz, and I are running a 10k tomorrow morning cause Marathons aren't enough!
The Hours - Ali in the Jungle (my new song addiction and a cool video of the full marathon course).
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